Olorama / BlogThe sense of smell and emotions
Neurological studies

The sense of smell and emotions

The sense of smell is, certainly, our best strategic ally for facing the challenges we found externally… It allows us to interact with the enviroment… Smells alert of dangerous situations… We can escape or attack based on what we smell… The smell connects us with the past and make us revive feelings and emotions…

If you want to know more about how Olorama Digital Smell Technology can help in your neurologic studies click here:

When we born, first thing we do is tracing the breast milk through olfaction… And thanks to the sense of smell, we can relax only by smelling our mothers… Hence, we can peacily affirm that sense of smell is implicitily linked with our survival instinct…

Often we don’t value a lot the sense of smell and we only appreciate it when we miss it… Try to remember when you had a cold, and you couldn’t smell… The food is flavorless, and even you feel your environment strange… Once recovered, again we feel the hungry, and we feel more positive and fully re-energized… The reason is smells can activate all the emotional regions of our brain… The limbic system is responsible of that, and it’s the “hub” in our brain controlling emotions and interpreting smells…

Olfactory system is unique among other sensorial systems due to multiple reasons: When volatile molecules penetrates through our nose, aroma particles are captured by the olfactory epithelium where millions of reception cellules are present… Those cellules transport these neuronal messages to olfactory bulbs… At the end those messages reach to the cortex, responsible of emotions, learning and memory… This is why smells can transport us to childhood, os awake memories… And you know what! we can’t control this… It has been burnt in our brain for millenia…

But, if the sense of smell is particularly important, why technology has overlooked it for decades…? Probably because the complexity of integrating hardware/software (nothing new here) and realistic scents… Some attempts have been done in the past, but only when at Olorama we decide firmly to create it, a new professional and digital scent solution is available for studios, agencies or even multinational companies which already count with a professional product to incorporate scents into their projects…

Take the opportunity to know our scent generators, set apart of your competitors and provide more immersive experiences through scents…!



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